Creative Outlet #1 Hair

My secret is out! Ok, it is not really that much of a surprise, I am obsessed with hair. Embarrassingly enough if you look back at my pictures from high school I had about every color of hair that exists. I had bleach blonde, to jet black, to Ariel the Mermaid red.

I love washing my hair after getting a hair cut. I love making homemade hair masks and I love the styling and coloring my friend’s hair. My Instagram feed is filled with mommy bloggers braiding their little girl’s hair, hair transformations on stylists accounts, and anything hair related. I just cannot help it!

My friends ask me quite often to color, cut, and style their hair. Now with all of my YouTube knowledge, I research the crap out of products, dyes, techniques, and colors. After years of learning and testing and trying I am going to finally share what I have learned with examples on my blog!

Here is my most recent styling to give you a little taste of what I plan to do!



Ali-Caramel Highlights


This gorgeous girl knows me very well. She’s been a roommate, a friend, and so much more! Now as she prepares to graduate college she needed a bit of a change. She came to me with a picture of gradual highlights that went all the way to blonde. One thing to remember when you bring a stylist a picture, there are such things as filters, photoshop, lighting tricks, and tones in your hair. This all effects what you can, and cannot do with your hair.

One thing to remember when you bring a stylist a picture, there are such things as filters, photoshop, lighting tricks, and tones in your hair. This all effects what you can, and cannot do with your hair.

I took about two hours putting in the highlight foils, washing, blow-drying and curling this gorgeous warm brown hair. We gossipped, watched videos from Dance Moms, and discussed my upcoming wedding. Getting your hair done whether in a salon or an apartment kitchen is still a bonding moment for us girls and I love spending that quality time with my friends while I play with their hair.

I love this girl and I am very grateful to have her friendship and trust. Oh, by the way, this was her first color ever! How lucky am I?

Keep a lookout for more of my hair obsessive posts on my Beauty Page coming soon!

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