Time to Rock the Boat


Today I set foot into my graphic design class quite numb. I sat in my same seat and prepared to feel stupid. This class is all based on programming I have never seen before and I have been struggling this whole semester to keep up with it.

We started the class like normal and went through the criteria for our next project. My professor went through all of the basic information that we needed to understand in order to complete the assignment. This was odd however because he went through the material so quick. He is an amazing teacher who typically takes his time and makes sure that we understand everything that is going on.

I then got frustrated because this was the section I had been struggling with for quite some time and he was just speeding through it all. Then my professor pulled up an old blog post of his, something from a trip he took with the faculty some time ago. He stepped away from the podium and sat on the table at the front of the class and he heavily changed the subject of our class discussion.

He started by talking about real life. He explained that we have been pacified and spoon-fed knowledge. We were told that if we sat down, stayed quiet, and did as we were told that everything would be okay. We were taught one way to solve problems and we were all held by one “standardized test.” He then made a bold statement, “I do not think that grades matter, not in the long run anyway.”

Another person who agrees is Ken Robinson who talks about Changing Education Paradigms. Check it out!

He then mentioned the different attributes that differentiate companies like LinkedIn and Facebook. Both successful but both also have different purposes and cultures. He posed the question, “What do they have in common that makes them successful?” I sat perplexed, I could think of a host of reason why each were successful in their own right but not any that they shared. He then proceeded to give us a list of qualities that each successful company had and how we can apply those attributes to ourselves.

First, he talked about having Passion Projects. Something we are excited about that we are not required to do. He mentioned people who sit and take time to be involved and how important it is to find passion outside of the required things in life.

Second, Write concisely. He talked about the different platforms that we have on social media. Most of them there is not a word count but now from the 140 character limit from Twitter there is a demand to write in short and clear amounts. He talked about how that applies to design as well as work in design.

Third, Figure things out. He told us that there is no training on life or some of the jobs you will get. We need to figure things out for ourselves, teach ourselves. This will inspire us to learn more and be willing to work as an individual. We will not have to be reliant on others for the answers, just our own. In turn we will be in tune with how we learn.

Fourth, rock the boat. This by far was my favorite, he talked about how we are loosing innovation in today’s society. Not only do we need creative people but we need people who are “disruptive.” People who shift the paradigm and rock the boat. This made be empowered to get moving.

I sat there feeling satisfied with the different things I have already done. I looked at the internship that I just finished up in baseball and the different opportunities that have stemmed from that experience. I have a great education that I am excited about, I have great friends and family, I have a few projects I am working on and I love my job!

Not only did this boost my esteem on the things that I do but it inspired me to continually learn. It is easy to learn when all you do is sit in classes and college. But there is always other things that we have to learn outside of a class. He mentioned that if we only do what is urgent and not necessarily what is important we will miss out on learning more about ourselves and what we can do with our lives.

Don’t just sit and conform to the education mentality! Rock the boat, try something different! Not only will we learn about life but we will actually be living it!



3 thoughts on “Time to Rock the Boat

  1. LOVE THIS! Thanks for bringing me here from Facebook 😉
    And I will reblog it, if you don’t mind!

  2. Pingback: Time to Rock the Boat, on Reach for Roots | My Piece of Mind

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